BTS/MW Installation & Commissioning

BTS Installation & Commissioning
Our range of Telecom Equipment Installation and Commissioning services is rendered on a timely basis and is very cost effective in nature. We offer BTS Installation & Commissioning and MW Installation & Commissioning on turnkey basis for telecom networks. Our installation team has experience of handling various telecom equipment and tools which are sourced from reputed companies like Alcatel-Lucent, IDEA. Some of the features of our services are discussed below in detail:
Scope of work:
- Receipt of site information from customer along with TND/RND
- RFI check along with ensuring the site permissions
- Material reception at the sites and checking as per packing list. Intimate to the customer in case of any deficiency
- Hoisting of GSM/CDMA antennas on tower as per TND/RND
- Clamping and routing of RF cables from Shelter to Antennae
- Grounding the Antennae and RF cables at appropriate place
- Ensuring drip loop/Z loop at cable entry plate
- Ensuring no sharp bend on RF cables
- Fixing OGB
- Weather proofing
- Fixing EMPs/Surge arrestors along with connectorization in shelter
- Grouting the BTS
- Extending, power cables, E1 cables, grounding cables to BTS
- Fixing IGB and extending grounding to all peripheral equipment
- Fixing DDF
- Installation of Battery bank and rectifier
- Installation of internal cable try
- Installation of indoor jumpers
- Checking VSWR
- Switching on the equipment
- Commissioning the equipment as per defined procedure
- Power measurement
- Filling the check list and execution of quality audit
- Fixing of horizontal cable tray
- Fixing of RF antennae and microwave antennae
- Clamping and routing of cables
- Grounding / earthing
- Alignment of antenna as per specifications
- Installation of radio base station (RBS)
- Installation of TX rack
- Installation & commissioning of TX equipment
- Fixing of cable tray
- Grounding of equipment
Installation of rectifier and battery bank

MW Installation and commissioning
Scope of works:
- Receipt of site information from customer along with TND/RND
- RFI check in near end and far end besides ensuring the site permissions
- Material reception at both ends and checking as per packing list and intimate the customer in case of exigency
- Assembling and hoisting of MW antennas & radios on tower in both ends as per TND/RND
- Clamping and routing of if cables from Shelter to Antennae in both ends
- Grounding the antennas and RF cables at appropriate place
- Fixing Transmission rack if required in both ends
- Installation & commissioning of IDUs in shelters
- Alignment of MW antennas till we achieve required receive level
- Grounding, weather proofing and labeling all cables in both ends
- Acceptance test
MW Installation/Commissioning/Alignment
- The mounting accessories of the MW antennae are duly inspected and the mounting arrangements are organized for the required orientation
- The antennae and wave-guide locks are provided, flexible wave guides are fixed with carefully to ensure reliable and proper RF connections
- The outdoor radio unit & antenna support arms are fixed
- Alignment of Antennae of the link is done to achieve the optimum receiving signal level
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